About North Olympic History Center
We connect the future to the past, through the present.
Since 1948, the North Olympic History Center, formerly the Clallam County Historical Society, has been dedicated to keeping the history of the North Olympic Peninsula alive. The NOHC manages a research library, an artifact collection, and educational and outreach programs.

David Brownell
Executive Director
Board and Committees
We also encourage members who would like to get involved to consider joining one of our committees: Strategic Planning Committee, Membership and Education Committee, Finance Committee, and Collections Committee. Committees typically meet once a month, or as needed.
2024 Board of Directors
- Bill Brigden, President
- Bruce Murray, Vice President
- Steve Hargis, Secretary
- John McNutt, Treasurer
- Larry Lang, Director
- Paul Gleeson, Director
- Mike Doherty, Director
- Laurie Davies, Director
- Ellie DiPietro, Director
- Jan Whitlow, Director
- Paula Hunt, Director
- Eve Datisman, Advisory Director
- Shelly Leavens, Advisory Director

Strategic Plan and Bylaws
The North Olympic History Center (NOHC) operates under the guidelines of our Strategic Plan and Bylaws. At the Board meeting on June 14, 2021, updates of both of these documents were approved. You can view or download them at the following links:
- Dona Cloud, Research Librarian
- Peggy Norris, Research Librarian Assistant
- Kirsten Williams, Research Librarian Assistant
- Maxine Miller, Research Librarian
- Kathy Estes, Photo Archivist
- Janice Noonan, Photo Archivist Assistant
- Eve Datisman, Collections Manager
- Becky Schurmann, Collections Manager
- Larry Lang, Collections Assistant & Wednesday Work Crew
- Jan Whitlow, Collections Assistant
- Andrew Poultridge, Collections Assistant
- Bruce Murray, Graphic Design and Publications & Wednesday Work Crew
- Pam Todd, Vintage Sale Coordinator
- Steve Hargis, Maintenance Lead & Wednesday Work Crew
- Mike Doherty, Wednesday Work Crew
- Bill Brigden, Wednesday Work Crew
- Paul Gleeson, Wednesday Work Crew
- Laurie Davies, Scholarship Program Manager
- Patrick Noonan, Events Assistant
- Paula Hunt, Exhibits and Publications Assistant