North Olympic History Center News

NOHC to offer an online archaeology course this October with Gary Wessen, PhD.
We are excited to announce An Introduction to the Archaeology of the Northwest Coast from the perspective of Western Washington with Gary Wessen, PhD. Gary has 51 years of archaeological fieldwork experience in western North America - most of his experience has...
Transmission from the Trail #4: The Archivist
“As a historian, what I really try to do in my day to day life is take a broader perspective than what’s presented with an idea or theme. To me, whatever where talking about, it’s tied to history.” David Brownell is executive director of North Olympic History Center...

Cloud receives Women in American History award
Port Angeles resident Dona Cloud of Port Angeles on March 11 received a Women in American History award from Michael Trebert Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Cloud has been a volunteer at the North Olympic History Center (NOHC) — formerly...

Kryzworz takes top honors in Hands on History
On Saturday, April 27, at the Black Diamond Community Hall in Port Angeles, two Clallam County high school students read their prepared essays and presented their public displays representing a history topic of their choice in the presence of judges and audience....